
May Events
Parents/Guardians that signed a Chromebook agreement form for your child, those will need to be returned along with the case and charger by Friday, May17th. These are not the DELL chromebooks that were given away for attendance. Please make sure the name is in the front pocket.

Eighth grade World Geography students will have
that test on Friday, May 10 th . Expedited retakes are scheduled for the following Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, May 14 th , 15 th , 16 th and 17 th . Students are encouraged to
get a good night’s sleep before their tests and show up on time in the morning for their tests.

A PTO meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 16 th , at 4:00. A “PTO Bash” for all of the
students is scheduled on Thursday, May 23 rd .

Schools are closed Monday, May 27 th , for the Memorial Day holiday.

An eighth grade graduation program is scheduled for Tuesday night, May 28 th , at 6:00 in the
RHS gym. Students will need to be there by 5:30 for line-up. Parents are encouraged to get here
early, because Ridgeview Elementary School also has their kindergarten graduation that night.
Award programs are scheduled for Wednesday, May 29 th , in the auditorium. Sixth grade awards
will begin at 8:30 and seventh grade awards will begin at 9:30.
The last day of school is Wednesday, May 29 th . Ridgeview Middle School will dismiss at 12:30.

We are offering four weeks and two days of additional instruction in math and reading, beginning
on Monday, June 3 rd and continuing through Tuesday, July 2 nd for our middle school students.
The focus of the Summer Academy will be on the math and reading skills that students need for
the next school year. Bus transportation, as well as breakfast and lunch, will be provided. Please
call our office if you are interested in your child attending.

Click to submit attendance Here you can message Krista Stapleton the Attendance Clerk. and Upload excuses.

Mr. Whitner's April Newsletter 

Supply List 2023-2024

Stephanie Edwards / PTO President
[email protected]


The administration and staff at Ridgeview Middle School
are excited to announce
the PowerSchool Parent Portal where you will 
 be able to access
your child’s current grades and attendance via the internet. 
To access this information you will need to go up to the
For Parents/Students tab and click on Parent Portal. There you will be able set up your
child's account.

 Earning money for your school is easy!

Connect your Food City Card to Ridgeview Middle School
Click here to Register.
Thank you for your support!
2023-2024 Student Handbook
Ridgeview Middle School Headlines


We are asking All Parents/Guardians to up-date their child's
Contact Information along with their Emergency Health Information.
It is crucial that we are able to make contact with a parent/guardian of every student (Hybrid and Virtual). You may fill out the forms on-line and email back to us, print and send it to school with your child, or if we need to send you a paper copy let us know.
Please feel free to call the school if you need any assistance.
Student Contact Form

Student Health Form

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Dickenson County Public Schools is to provide a safe, nurturing environment to educate and inspire students to become lifelong learners and to encourage intellectual, social, and physical growth in a diverse and changing society.

The Dickenson County School Board is committed to nondiscrimination with regard to sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, status as a veteran, genetic information or any other characteristics protected by law. This commitment will prevail in all of its policies and practices concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals and entities with whom the Board does business.

2021-2022 Calendar
Ridgeview Middle School Quality Profile

                         Free Breakfast and Lunch for all Students
Ridgeview Middle will be providing free meals (breakfast and lunch) to all students. THE USDA EXTENDED FREE MEALS FOR ALL KIDS AGES 2-18 THROUGH DEC. 31, 2020 • Dickenson County Schools Nutrition Department is excited .  No further action is required by Parents/Guardians, and all children will be able to participate in this meal program without having to pay any fees or submit any meal applications.
Please Note:  If you wish for your child to purchase extra food items, please apply the appropriate funds to their meal account, as charges are not allowed in the School Nutrition Program.  You may use or send a prepayment for their account.
For more information, please view the official media release below:
Media Release

Weather Forecast